Determination of capillary threshold pressure using hydrogen gas
Determination of capillary threshold pressure using hydrogen gas
Hydrogen will be indispensable as an energy carrier for implementing the energy transition in Germany and Europe. In addition to salt caverns, pore storage facilities in the deep underground (UGS) - former hydrocarbon reservoirs - are particularly suitable for storing large quantities of hydrogen. The capillary threshold pressure is an essential parameter in the safety assessment of such a storage facility. The new test rig allows for the experimental study of interactions between hydrogen and the cap rocks under realistic reservoir conditions. The new test rig to determine capillary threshold pressure with hydrogen is located in a controlled climatic chamber so that the experiments can be performed under reservoir conditions and at constant temperatures. The specimens can be tested at temperatures of up to 125°C and a confining pressure of up to 50 MPa. Furthermore, a flooding facility was built in which the samples can be exposed to hydrogen before the actual threshold pressure tests.
The construction of the new test rig was financed by funding from the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM) of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWI) and the Gesteinslabor’s own funds. By offering commercial measurements of capillary threshold pressure with hydrogen, Gesteinslabor is opening up a new business field in renewable energies.
Recently, the article "Determination of capillary threshold pressure with hydrogen gas" was published in the journal EEK.
Article from the journal EEK 01/2023
Gesteinslabor has successfully completed the development of a new test rig to determine the capillary threshold pressure with hydrogen.
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