Underground gas storage
Underground gas storage (UGS) is one of the important topics of the 21st century, in particular to ensure the security of energy supply in Europe. Two kinds of gas storage can be distinguished: UGS in salt caverns and storage of natural gas in the pore space of former hydrocarbon reservoir rocks, namely sandstone. In the latter case a tight caprock - shale, clay-, silt- or marlstone - has to prevent leakage of the UGS. Gesteinslabor is specialised in the investigation of the geomechanical properties of these rocks: their strength as well as permeability and threshold pressure. Together with information about the in situ stresses (gained by RACOS®) Gesteinslabor is able to develop a geomechanical model for the UGS.
So far Gesteinslabor did research about numerous pore space UGS in Europe's most important gas storage regions, namely the North German, the Molasse, the Vienna and the Pannonian basins. All our investigations supported the installation of save and secure UGS.
Meet us at the GET 2024
Gesteinslabor will exhibit at the GET2024 in Rotterdam. 4.-7.November 2024, find us at booth 605.
We are looking forward meeting you there!
Gesteinslabor Dr. Eberhard Jahns is project and research partner within the HENRI (Hydrogen Energy Reservoir) project.
Main focus of us is the impact of H2 on the cap rock. Besides other parameters, we determine the capillary threshold pressure with different gases and gas mixtures.
First preliminary results could be presented at the 2nd HENRI conference.
Recently, the article "Determination of capillary threshold pressure with hydrogen gas" was published in the journal EEK.
Article from the journal EEK 01/2023
Gesteinslabor has successfully completed the development of a new test rig to determine the capillary threshold pressure with hydrogen.
Read more … Determination of capillary threshold pressure using hydrogen gas